SERVICES INCLUDE: Direction Boring, Dry Utility Installations, Its/Fiber Optics/Communications, Low to High Voltage Insulation, Open Cut Trenching, and Outdoor/Street Lighting.
SNC can install Pole lines and Aerial cabling systems anywhere that they are required. We have multiple pieces of equipment that can get in and out of nearly all situations. Our personnel is trained and certified to perform electrical connections to perform all your aerial needs.
Direction Boring
Directional Boring is important in nearly all power & Utility installations. Directional boring reduces soil disturbance, is a safer operation than open cutting, and can drill underneath obstructions. SNC performs directional boring in order to install power, telecommunications, fiber, and Dry utility installations. SNC strictly performs all work in accordance with local utility locate laws, including prior notification to utility owners and will visually locating and identify all utilities in conflict with the proposed bore before commencing with drilling.
Dry Utility Installations
SNC can perform any of your electric and communication construction needs. We have the capabilities to install a single conduit and or a ductbank system with multiple conduit runs. We understand the importance of your electrical and communication projects and can ensure that these projects are done per requirements, documented properly, and performed to your satisfaction.
ITS / Fiber Optics / Communications
SNC has trained and certified a team of technicians to perform fiber and communication connections. Here at SNC we understand the importance of these connections. Fiber cabling plays a huge role in providing high-performance data networking. We have the capability to install, splice, and test fiber and communication line to ensure that our clients limit downtime, allow their customers to maintain their connectivity as well.
Low to High Voltage Installation
SNC can perform nearly all of your electrical installation needs. This includes Transformers, Sectionalizer Cabinets, Fuse Cabinets, SES’s, Main Distribution Cabinets, fuses, overhead equipment, underground equipment, primary circuits and secondary circuits. SNC has the knowledge and the skill to perform these projects to best minimize the disruption to the client while providing efficient construction activities resulting in safe and reliable power.
Open Cut Trenching
SNC provides plowing and trenching services as well as direction boring services. This method is usually the least expensive method if the pipe is located under non‐pavement areas such as a front or backyard. The open cut trench method involves excavating down to and exposing the existing pipe so that it can be repaired or replaced and then backfilled. SNC owns and operates trenchers that provide a trenching depth of 72” and width of 18”. Our Plows provide a plowing depth of 42” which gives us the versatility to self-perform nearly all your plowing and or trenching needs.
Outdoor Lighting / Street Lighting
The lighting technology has changed drastically over the past several years, and updating your company’s lighting can provide energy efficiency, cost savings, and security for your business. SNC provides many indoor and outdoor commercial lighting installation services for any type of business. Whether it’s installing new lighting or replacing existing lighting, our technicians deliver quality expertise in all commercial electrical lighting services.